Saturday, August 29, 2009



firstly, i'll let all ur pics do da talking first... btw these are da oni pics i hav of u... very little oni =(
***drum rolls***

idhzan.. haha curi-ed dis from ur FB ... cuz i dun hav a solo pic of u.. hahah.. (eh and dats da shirt i gave u last yr ritee? ) :) haha..
we went 50 yrs back in time...
da one and oni pic i hav wif u... yeahh okay okayy i'll admit it since its ur bday, yesh zan ur a lil TALLER than me.. happie ?? hahah..

hmm yeahh about dis... its da gays in da making... hahaha...

at my sweet 16th last yr...

during our last interact photo session...

haha da best pic of all pics.. now da whole world get to see how u look when ur tryin to eat and laugh or eat and smile at da same timee... hahaha.. wat were u tryin to do actually ??

ppl.. dun play play!! zan is really good at dis... im not kidding!! zan can hoola hoolaaaa !! =p hahah..

for da FINALE...
its zan and alyaaa... my two bestfriends in da world... :)
zan.. all da best in everything u do... thanks for everything dat uve done for me.. for helpin me thru my studies... for spending time telling me all ur grand-idhzan storries... for cheering me up when i was not in da mood.. for tryin to make me laugh when im sad... for comforting me when somethings happened... and most of all for being my friend... ive never thought in a million years dat ur now one of my bestfriends... well u noe how u were when u were in ur primary and lower secondary scool days... very naughty and rebellious.. hahah.. honestly before i knew u, i thought u were those typical kinda teenage boys who were naughty and love causing troubles... but well, i guess now uve grown out of it and began to love BOOKS more... hahah..
when i first got to noe u early of last year, i never thought dat u will become my buddy now.. u appear to me as a very quiet and shy kinda guy... so different than how i used to hear or at least seen about u... but as time goes by, as i got to noe u closer, u were very nice and friendly and SMART !! haahha.. i can still remember those times when we create havoc in class.. everytime when theres no teacher in class, u and derek will come to our places at da back of da class and do stupid stuff dat will make us laugh our heads off.. i guess dat was da oni time when we were really noisy and get shoosh-ed at most of da time by prefects.. haha..
da one thing dat i admire about u is dat ur very friendly to everyone.. ur not jugdemental at all... u accept a person for who they are and dats a very rare quality u can find in human these days.. i also admire ur principles in life... u believe in working hard to get wat u want and not taking da easy way out... ur always very generous and think of people more than urself.. u care about ur friends feelings and u always seemed to noe when we're not feeling ok... and ur always on da mission to make ppl laugh... ull always tell us watever dat u think is funny dat is going on in ur life... and yeahh most of it are funny... but i hav to admit dat some of it are lame... and i guess u knew it by looking at our "huh" or "buat bodoh" kinda faces.. but no matter how lame it is.. its still urs and its still original by zan.. so u still deserve a good job for trying... :) hahah..
zan.. im really sorrie if ive ever done anything wrong dat might hav hurt u... i might not hav noticed it, but i juz want u to noe dat im sorrie and dat ull accept my sincere apologies... but i juz want u to noe dat uve been a great friend and been there for me all these while... honestly speaking zan... to hav u as a friend is one's pride... ur really humble and never boast about urself before... eventhough everyone noes dat ur very SMART !! but u juz dun wanna accept it.. haha..
lastly... i really apperciate everything dat uve done for me... for da great memories dat uve left in me.. for all da laughters dat uve brought me... and for da life lessons dat ive learnt from u... i juz wanna wish u luck in everything u do... i wish u all da best in ur relationship wif trish... and i'll always uphold u in my prayer for watever u do.. i hope dat our friendship will last for a long time even afta leavin our high scool years... and ull always be my....
zan = rempit + lala + NERDO + SMARTASS + gay + AWESOME BUDDY !!! =D
*panting for air*
*take deep breath*
and for da last time of da year...
hahaha can publish a novel ady... hahaha... i noe la i very ze long winded wan la.. but well i love to talk so u cant blame me for talking but in a typing way... hahhaha... anywaysss.. hope dat ull hav a great 17th... wish u all da best for spm.. but for now trials first.. hav fun and enjoyyyy.. take caree and i'll cyahhh in two days time when da war begins.. hahaha...
yours truly,

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